Putting the Word of God into the hands of people around the world who otherwise couldn't afford or wouldn't have access to a Bible.
Mark 16:15 NKJV
“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.'”
Providing food, clothing, blankets, shelter, and other resources to homeless individuals and families in need.
Matthew 25:40 KJV
"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. "
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Helping families in need to have something for Christmas.
Our ultimate desire here at Love and Serve Ministries is simple, we want to share God's love and to serve God's people. Do you share our heart and vision? Do you feel led to get involved? Here are a few ways that you can get involved!
No meaningful work of ministry can be accomplished without prayer, so we greatly value your prayer support. Please pray daily for our leaders, teachers, and volunteers for the Lord to bring us many listeners to hear our teaching, and for the provision to sustain our work and expand our reach.
Bibles do not need to be new but must be in good condition.
Homeless Outreach
Food Items: Non-Perishable food items, manual can openers, Cases of water, crackers, canned goods including fruits, vegetables & Meats, Ramen Noodles, fruit snacks, granola bars, fruit (apples, oranges, etc.)
Hygiene Items: Bar soap, travel size shampoo, travel size conditioner, travel size lotion, Deodorant, tooth brush, tooth paste, dental floss, toilet paper, feminine products
Other Needed Items: Blankets, Small Tents, Backpacks, socks, Under garments, sleeping bags, gloves, candles, flashlights, insect repellent, sunscreen, batteries, lighters/matches, clothing & Shoes (men, women & Children), chap stick, baby wipes, diapers, hats & Beanies, toilet tissue
(All food, hygiene, and other needed items listed above must be new unless otherwise specified. Donations are accepted via in person drop off at the church or via mail at PO BOX 163 Braman, OK 74632)
We are largely dependent on our volunteers. Sharing your time, talents, and skills is a great way to get involved and a great way to love and serve!
Our ministry is largely funded by tithes, offerings, and donations. A very small amount of our funding also comes from the profits of our gift shop sales. Every dollar we receive is devoted to the work of our ministry and carefully managed to ensure Biblical accountability. We pledge to handle all gifts with the utmost care, discretion, and stewardship. It is our heart to honor God with every seed sown and our prayer that God will bless and reward you richly in return. Thank you for giving!